Ruby Tuesday Foundation

About Us

The Ruby Tuesday Foundation grew out of a simple question:

“Can the caring outwardly looking characteristics, nature and ideals of one spirited young girl provide the start of an amazing journey for another?”

Ruby Tuesday connects children and young adults that might otherwise miss out, with opportunities to participate in educational, sporting and community activities.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to create connection and possibilities for disadvantaged children and youth into education and community participation.

Our Aspiration

Our Aspiration is that all children and youth can thrive by learning, developing and applying their personal skills to their lives.

Our Values

Our Values are Fun Loving, Kindness, Inclusion, Respect and Gratitude.

Ruby's Story

Ruby was a young girl with a unique warmth and care for others and a desire to ensure that nobody missed out on the opportunities she had.

The Ruby Tuesday Foundation is Ruby’s legacy and has been established to carry forward Ruby’s goals and message of kindness, inclusion, and to ensure that kids are given the chance to shine.

Ruby’s characteristics and values remain our guiding principles and the Ruby Tuesday Foundation is our chance to make a difference in the lives of other children while ensuring Ruby’s spirit and voice remains everlasting.

Board members

Andrew Rawlinson

Andrew Rawlinson


Simon Warner

Simon Warner

Founder and Director

Kristy Warner

Kristy Warner

Founder and Director

Kate Golding

Director and Secretary

Annette Cieslak

Annette Cieslak


Carolyn Mounce

Carolyn Mounce


Jacqui Ion

Jacqui Ion


Rob Gordon

Rob Gordon


Our Values

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Fun loving

  • We find ways to bring joy to those we support, our team and the community
  • We believe in a positive environment which encourages connection
  • We celebrate achievements.


  • We embrace the spirit of helpfulness
  • We believe we are better when we support each other
  • We are generous and considerate, without expecting anything in return.


  • We celebrate our differences, encouraging each other’s voice to create an environment where everyone matters
  • We foster possibilities and participation
  • We seek input from others in finding and delivering solutions.


  • We place children and young people at the centre of what we do
  • We actively and respectfully listen
  • We create and nurture positive relationships, built on trust.


  • We appreciate the contribution and ‘gifts’ from others
  • We value the act of saying thank you
  • We know showing and living with gratitude enhances wellbeing.

Ruby's Essence Captured Through Art

Art by Lucinda Penn

The Foundation wanted to develop some imagery that captured the essence of Ruby in a colourful and bold setting.   We were able to connect with young Adelaide artist Lucinda Penn and just love the outcome that was created.

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Capturing Ruby’s essence & spirit through exploring her ideas, perspectives & passions. This artwork aims to portray in Ruby’s words, ‘the inside of me,’ that is now ‘free for those to see’ through symbiosis with the Foundation as illustrated here.

Ruby & her perspective beyond her years have been gleaned from my talks with her parents & inspecting her drawings and various writings. I wanted this piece to speak to Ruby’s uniqueness, power and vibrancy, mirroring what her Foundation seeks to achieve & all of the diverse ways this will evolve.

Throughout the conceptualisation process I have felt that this design is creating a feeling of Ruby’s presence. Although I never met Ruby I feel like I was able to get to know here after having the opportunity to see some of Ruby’s own art work and sketches in her sketch book. I resonate a lot with her drawings and thinking as I had very similar practices at the same age and have incorporated a number of images of Ruby’s into the piece.

For those that knew and loved Ruby and for those who did not know her, I hope they will see all of her characteristics in this eye catching, bright and vibrant backdrop. In doing so, you the viewer, are invited to connect with the individual and overall symbolism in this piece to take away your own understanding of what ‘Ruby Tuesday’ means.

For Ruby – may her voice remain everlasting & universal.

Love from
Lucinda Penn

Our Partners

The Ruby Tuesday Foundation sincerely thanks the wonderful generosity and support provided by our corporate partners